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Microsoft’s Copilot+ Recall is a Horrible Idea

by cthos
About 7 min

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…and you should disable it. Or not buy a Copilot+ PC.

I’m going to cite every source I’ve got on this, the story out of Microsoft is changing and being “clarified” as this goes on, so I’ll do my best to keep this updated and as accurate as possible.

Update - June 13th, 2024: It just keeps getting better and better. Ars Technica says Microsoft is in full damage control mode with just 2 days to go until rollout.

Update - June 7th, 2024: The Verge is now reporting that Microsoft is going to make some changes after the uproar. I'm not sure this matters, I don't think Microsoft has anyone's trust that they won't make changes in the future to get at all that juicy user-generated data. But good on them for doing something.

Update - June 2nd, 2024: Oh good, Nvidia is partnering to enable this on even more computers. It's going to be basically everywhere soon whether you want it or not. Nice. Apropos of nothing I've moved my Framework to running Bazzite. It's working great so far. Haven't tried an eGPU yet.

Update - May 31st, 2024 Kevin Beaumont has posted a lengthy Q/A style post about this which is very good on his blog: Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster. You should go give that a read. The one thing I call out is I think the wording implies it's also acting as a keylogger, but I don't think it is necessarily, but it is screenshotting often enough that whatever you type is going to wind up in a screenshot.

Okay, here it is again. Another post about Generative AI. Or, rather, "bad ideas brought about by the generative AI hype cycle". Really, I would rather not be spending more time writing about all of this, but it just keeps finding me somehow. I’m so tired.

Anyway, let's talk about Copilot+ Recall (apparently it’s just “Recall” but that’s really difficult to web search, so I’m going to use Copilot+ in front of it). The idea behind it is that everything you do on your computer, will be screenshotted every {n} seconds and stored by the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) somewhere on your computer. It'll do Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on these screenshots and do some other magical "AI goodness" to enable you to later query for anything you did within the past {n} months (configurable, based on how much storage you want to use). Here's the official Microsoft documentation on the feature.

Sidebar, apparently this is enableable on non-Copilot+ computers, but you have to go out of your way to do it.

You know what else records and stores everything you do on your computer? A rootkit. That's right, this thing that Microsoft is installing and apparently enabling by default on new Copilot+ machines, is behaving exactly like a computer virus wants to.

During setup of your new Copilot+ PC, and for each new user, you're informed about Recall and given the option to manage your Recall and snapshots preferences. If selected, Recall settings will open where you can stop saving snapshots, add filters, or further customize your experience before continuing to use Windows 11. If you continue with the default selections, saving snapshots will be turned on (emphasis mine). — Microsoft

How helpful!

Microsoft's main "defense" has thus far been "but it only stays on your computer and never leaves the network". This totally ignores the fact that viruses that want to gain access to that process could just do that itself, regardless of Microsoft's wishes.

This thing will be an incandescent target for hackers. You'd think that Microsoft would know this, but it seems like in their rush to "win" the AI hype race they've cut some corners (which is unsurprising given their recent track record on security).

Recall's security is entirely based on “but it stays local”

Permalink to “Recall's security is entirely based on “but it stays local””

But “stays local” is not the same as “secure”. The only fool-proof security is to not store the thing in the first place, but here we are.

Let’s look at some of the corners they’ve cut.

First off, according to Kevin Beaumont, the NPU takes the text it extracts from the images and stores it in a user-readable sqlite database. This is very convenient for searching! This is also very convenient for any malicious process that happens to be running as you to ship off.

Guess what else it does (or rather doesn't do): obfuscate passwords or other sensitive information:

"Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. That data may be in snapshots that are stored on your device, especially when sites do not follow standard internet protocols like cloaking password entry." — Techradar

Riiiight, so I'm guessing it's not going to obfuscate things like, I dunno, your bank's website? Possibly showing your full account details?

Are there… any other things you do on your computer that you'd rather not be stored for however long Recall wants to store the screenshots? Nothing? Anyhow, maybe you can take some small solace in the fact that apparently Microsoft does know how to process content and won't store DRM'd things:

"Recall also does not take snapshots of certain kinds of content, including InPrivate web browsing sessions in Microsoft Edge. It treats material protected with digital rights management (DRM) similarly; like other Windows apps such as the Snipping Tool, Recall will not store DRM content." — From that same Techradar article

… Cool. Now, Microsoft claims the following about other browsers:

Recall won’t save any content from your private browsing activity when you’re using Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, or other Chromium-based browsers.

Which was not the case when they first announced the idea, near as I can tell. So I guess they walked back from the “this only works in Edge”.

Microsoft Promises you can Manually exclude apps

Permalink to “Microsoft Promises you can Manually exclude apps”

Users can pause, stop, or delete captured content and can exclude specific apps or websites. — Ars Technica Article

But you’ve put the burden on the user to A) Know this is happening and B) Actually manage to catch everything they don’t want included.

Microsoft says, “Trust us, we’ve got Secure Core and Pluton processors!”

Permalink to “Microsoft says, “Trust us, we’ve got Secure Core and Pluton processors!””

The security protecting your Recall content is the same for any content you have on your device. Microsoft provides many built-in security features from the chip to the cloud to protect Recall content alongside other files and apps on your Windows device.
Secured-core PC: all Copilot+ PCs will be Secured-core PCs. This feature is the highest security standard for Windows 11 devices to be included on consumer PCs. For more information, see Secured-core PCs.
Microsoft Pluton security processor will be included by default on Copilot+ PCs. For more information, see Microsoft Pluton. — Microsoft

Microsoft, buddy. None of those things matter if you trick the user into running something in user space because you’ve granted the user access to that database.

None of those things matter if someone with access to the computer wants to go looking back through your history forever.

By the way, if you go look at the Pluon processor, it doesn’t mention a word about Windows Home edition, so I dunno if every Copilot+ machine is going to come with a Windows Pro license or what?

But surely these things are encrypted on the device using BitLocker? Right?

Permalink to “But surely these things are encrypted on the device using BitLocker? Right?”

And on that previous note, only if you have a Business or Pro license?

This one is a little tricky because Microsoft is apparently being a little vague, but by all accounts it looks like Home users get to have unencrypted screenshots just sitting on their laptop. Fun!

Sidebar: To see those screenshots, the user needs to be able to decrypt them so…. Again… virus. Running as the user. Can see them.

Maybe all Copilot+ machines come with Windows Pro? I just dunno.

Who else might have access to your computer?

Permalink to “Who else might have access to your computer?”

Many other people who are better able to speak to this problem have pointed out that this is rife for abuse by abusive partners.

In fact, Recall seems to only work best in a one-device-per-person world. Though Microsoft explained that its Copilot+ PCs will only record Recall snapshots to specific device accounts, plenty of people share devices and accounts. For the domestic abuse survivor who is forced to share an account with their abuser, for the victim of theft who—like many people—used a weak device passcode that can easily be cracked, and for the teenager who questions their identity on the family computer, Recall could be more of a burden than a benefit. — Malwarebytes

So, yeah. That’s… great.

Some of them definitely will. Look, your corporate computer is already watching what you do for good reason. A corporation needs to know if their systems are being used for nefarious, illegal, or other things that will be a problem for them (exfiltrating product secrets, for example).

This goes to a whole other level. On one hand, this is the ultimate forensic “we need to figure out what happened” tool. On the other hand, it makes the risk of leaving a laptop in the airport more risky than it already is. It increases the damage a successful malware deployment can do.

It also increases the amount of stuff that you potentially have to store for legal holds. Many industries have an obligation to hold on to certain things for extended periods of time. Recall is liable to include information that would fall under those regulatory holds so, congrats, now IT also has to implement an archival process for all of those across their entire fleet.

I guess that’s a long-winded way to say “depends on the company, but please for the love of all that is holy do not do personal stuff on your work’s laptop”.

I, personally, have no idea why anyone would trust Microsoft enough to keep this feature secure, and I’m pretty sure we’re going to see a stark uptick in attacks targeting this feature as it rolls out.

Likewise, it would not surprise me if at some point in the future an update to “send select metadata to Microsoft” pops up because the AI race is fueled by data and the allure of all that distributed data is strong.

I can see how this could be useful. I’ve frequently wanted to find something amorphous that I wasn’t able to readily find…. But the downsides far outweigh that benefit for me. I suggest you strongly weigh the risks vs. the benefits and don’t use this thing.