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Aegir Virtualhost files on Ubuntu

Just a very quick note, as I had to do a bit of hunting to find where the heck Aegir was generating my virtualhosts for all of the domains I was managing through it.

By default it is located inĀ /var/aegir/config/server_master/apache/vhost.d/, where that server_master part might change depending on what host you're modifying (if you're in a complex hosting situation, for example).

This comes in handy if you want to install SSL certificates yourself instead of going through Aegir to handle the... Read More

PsySl Service Locator Experiment

Yesterday, during a conversation with my coworkers on how Dependency Injection works with the Service Locator pattern, we were talking through what would happen with cyclical dependencies. Basically, what would happen if you told a Service locator to load a dependency for one class, and that class had a dependency for the class that was originally calling the Service Locator. This would cause an infinite loop, and in PHP, Maximum Memory Exceeded error pretty rapidly.

In PHP an example would... Read More

Profiling PHP with Xdebug

My last post was about using ab and jmeter to get some performance benchmarks on a website. Now, I figure I should probably mention how to profile your application to look for memory leaks, bad calls, and what portion of the code is taking the most amount of time.

First thing to do is get xdebug installed. There are several ways to go about this, the easiest being using a package manager to do the hard work for you. For example, if you're running Ubuntu with the default php from apt-get, you... Read More

Website Benchmarking

I've recently been evaluating different website benchmarking tools, so I though I would take a moment to highlight two of them I have used recently.


ab is the Apache Benchmark tool, and it comes bundled with Apache. It's a pretty simple cli tool, used to test the throughput of a website. It has a bunch of different options you can pass to it, but the most important are -c (number of concurrent connections) and -n (number of requests). It's man page is pretty well written, so I'll let you... Read More

CiviCRM API Part 2

A very brief continuation of my CiviCRM API exploration from the other day.

I have gotten everything up and running, but there are a few more things which one needs to be aware of when querying against the search API.

Custom Fields

You can query against custom fields which you've defined for your CiviCRM contacts, but you have to query them with the name custom_{id} where ID appears to be an auto incrementing key, that you will either need to look up in the database, or querying against the... Read More

CiviCRM External API Access Problems

Recently I was working on getting CiviCRM to work with external API access, because I have a multi-site install which needs to be able to communitcate with the contact database across all of the sub-sites without having the plugin turned on (for reasons I'll explain in a moment). Now, API v3 does look like it is a great improvement over v2, however, it has been less-than-documented, and important information is scattered in various locations. I'll try to summarise what I've learned here to... Read More